Testing for MTU on a Good Line (3)

  1. If your ISPs MTU is different to what you initially entered you should set the new value using the instructions you used earlier and then reboot. Otherwise, continue here...
  2. Having confirmed the MTU used by your ISP, it is now time to find the MTU that will suit you best for the way you use the internet and the sites you visit most frequently.
  3. Connect to the Internet and, with the MTUSpeed Utility page showing, enter the correct ISP MTU in the "Name or IP" box
  4. Press the "Test MTU" button and if you get ping responses all is well. If you get the "Don't Fragment Bit Set" message the site uses a smaller MTU than your ISP which means you will have to try smaller MTU's in the "MTU value to test box". (Remember, if you don't get a response it may be that the server is set to not respond to pings - www.microsoft.com is one such site)Back

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